News & Events

July 2, 2018

Celebrate 4th of July Safely!

The 4th of July is almost here! That means family time, parades, tasty BBQ, and, of course, FIREWORKS! But as fun and beautiful as fireworks can be, they are also dangerous and responsible for many injuries.
June 27, 2018

National Sunglasses Day!

We're celebrating National Sunglasses Day! A day to celebrate the importance of wearing ultraviolet (UV)-protective sunwear & eyewear, and help educate friends and family.
June 22, 2018

KC & Allergies

Does vigorous eye rubbing cause KC, or is there a reason why people with KC rub their eyes more? Researchers surveyed 2,411 patients about allergies and KC.
June 11, 2018

June 2018 Update

During Race Week at the Indianapolis 500, we introduced the new NKCF Ambassador, Gabby Chaves. Gabby (Gabriel) Chaves is a 24 year old with Keratoconus who likes to drive fast. Real fast. 200 mph fast.