NKCF hears from patients who sometimes have trouble finding contact lens solution: imagine that inconvenience on a permanent basis. Living with keratoconus in places like Africa presents daily challenges.
A 32-year-old from South Africa recently wrote to NKCF that he was diagnosed with KC ten years ago and underwent crosslinking. He was subsequently fitted with GP lenses which “worked really great”. The problem, he wrote, is the inability to get cleaning supplies for his lenses. And so, he no longer wears them.
Two recent scientific papers highlight the keratoconus experience in Africa:
Faculty at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) surveyed optometrists working for Dept. of Health eye clinics in this province on the east coast of South Africa. KwaZulu-Natal has a population of more than 11 million; most of the residents are low income and get their eyecare at government-run clinics. Thirty-six optometrists completed the survey (out of 51 eligible ODs). Most were recent graduates of the UKZN School of Health Science. During their optometry education, they were trained in fitting contact lenses.
The survey results were distressing. The government-run clinics had a minimum of equipment available. Only one clinic reported having a corneal topography machine, and none of the clinics had contact lens solution or contact lens trial fitting sets.
The authors analyzed a dozen recent peer-reviewed articles found the rates of KC in Africa varied from 0.4% to 30.9%. The authors estimated the continent-wide prevalence to be over 7% (among the highest rates of KC in the world). Dr. Akowuah wrote to NKCF, “One of the highlights of our paper was the apparent lack of population-based studies in Africa, necessitating the need for more epidemiological studies to accurately quantify prevalence and risk factors of KC in Africa.” He also wrote, “the lack of treatment options such as gas permeable contact lenses and crosslinking is alarming.” Drs. Akowuah and Kobia-Acquah advocate for measures that improve availability and accessibility to GP lenses.
While the mission of NKCF is to provide information to those living in the US, we share our resources with international organizations when possible. In 2021, NKCF participated in a zoom meeting with representatives from Lions SightFirst Eye Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya who established a volunteer network to educate the public about keratoconus.
References: Gcabashe N, Moodley V, Hansraj R, Keratoconus management at public sector facilities in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: Practitioner perspectives, Afr Vision Eye Health, 81:a698, doi.org/10.4102/, 2022.
Akowuah PK, Kobia-Acquah E, Donkor R, et al, Keratoconus in Africa: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics, 41:736-747, 2021