KC-Link Terms of Use

KC-Link is an online forum support group for the keratoconus community, a place where members can ask questions and share their own keratoconus insights and experiences.

By subscribing to KC-Link, you agree to the following terms and conditions. Please review these terms of use carefully.

As a subscriber, I agree:

  • To post messages that are relevant to the discussion group.
  • That any non relevant or unacceptable messages may not be posted or may be removed by the list moderator.
  • Not to express views of a religious or political nature.
  • Not to name individual doctors in messages.
  • Not to post testimonials or criticisms of named practitioners. They will not be placed on the link.
  • If asking for referrals to doctors in your area you will include your email address in the message and ask that recommendations be sent directly to your personal email address.
  • Eye care providers who participate are encouraged to answer questions and offer information and support but without self-promotion or promoting a specific lens or procedure.
  • Not to post libelous or illegal material, solicit or advertise products or services.
  • Not to post harassing or discriminatory comments.
  • That any message that violates the conditions, or departs from the intended purpose of this listserve will not be posted.
  • To cite literature references when relevant or clearly state that information posted is personal opinion.
  • That any member who breaches these guidelines through hostile, abusive or other inappropriate messages will have their account privileges revoked.
  • That the National Keratoconus Foundation does not accept any responsibility for the content of the discussion group or endorse any advice contained therein. By using this listserve, reliance on any opinion, advice, statement, or information is solely at my own discretion.
  • That the views expressed by members of this listserve are their own and do not reflect the position of the National Keratoconus Foundation, the moderator or other members.

KC-link is not a substitute for medical advice or diagnosis. Subscribers are strongly encouraged to discuss potential medical decisions with their eye care professionals.

All users agree to the above terms and also agree to not hold the National Keratoconus Foundation responsible for any of the information or procedures discussed. Any treatment or other decisions made are the responsibility of the user and should be made by consulting with their eye care professionals.

Privacy: KC-Link has 2300+ members worldwide. Your messages will be potentially read by all members. This is a former email-based listserve which now operates solely as an online forum; your email address may be visible with your message depending on how your own personal settings. We recommend that you do not post any personal information such as phone numbers or home address.