On the behalf of National Keratoconus Foundation (NKCF), Keratoconus Australia, and UK-based Keratoconus group, we would like to thank you to everyone who participated in the “KC: Through My Eyes” 2022 World KC Day Photo Contest.
Here are our winners!
First-Place Overall & First-Place (Senior): Diana Ward (Auckland, NZ)
Still Life “KC requires constant management. For me, it involves having a cupboard full of paraphernalia to ensure I have the best possible vision and maintain my eye health. Not all are pictured.”
Second-Place (Senior): Carl Domke (Texas, USA)
Morning Challenge “Every morning as a KC patient, I start out with my uncorrected vision, trying to find my pesky little contact lenses, along with their solutions, to insert in my eye. Not always as easy as it appears.”
First-Place (Adult): Heriberto Rangel (Mexico City, MX)
KC Breakfast
“Follows the same theme of the apple with keratoconus and the blurring caused for the KC in the left part of the photo.”
Second-Place (Adult): Bob Murawski (California, USA)
Honorable Mention (Adult): Mandi Holmes (Michigan, USA)
Honorable Mention (Adult): Helen Kelly (Maidstone Kent, ENG)
First-Place (Eye Care Professional): Katie Frame, OD (Christchurch, NZ)
“I feel the image speaks for itself, making a visual impact with regard to the seriousness and ongoing management of such a debilitating disease yet embraces both artistry and humour…”
Second-Place (Eye Care Professional): Catherine Cruz (Auckland, NZ)
“Patient has poor vision because of her moderate/advanced KC. Steep corneas. Kera-rings has helped patient to see better.”
First-Place (Youth): Cristian (TX, USA)